The first 100 days
I have been guiding and mentoring and taken a personal interest into the careers of IDesign Alumni for the past 6 years. Today I am introducing a new program on leadership. The program is initiated by a 7-day immersion into processes, personal identities, negotiation skills, project tactics and career strategies. During the week we will also setup the next 100 days of your career which includes bi-weekly mentoring and assignment of a support mesh of senior architects and handpicked star Alumni to ensure that you will not face the task of transforming your career and perhaps your organization alone.
The class will be held on “My Island” at the Havsvidden Resort on the Åland Islands. The follow up will be done remotely.
Due to the nature of some of the special training elements of the class you must be in a good physical shape to attend.
You must be willing to take a personality assessment to tailor the program to your personality and needs.
This program is by invitation only.